From above, everything is silent

Trin Carl
2 min readJan 15, 2023

From above, everything is silent

“What is the last play you been to?” Asked my ride-share client.

I often tell my clients about plays since I’ve been reviewing them for the last two years.

The Christmas Carol at the Guthrie,” (in Minneapolis), I declare.

Then I proceeded to tell her how a patron had be removed from the audience after starting an argument with another.

“The whole production was shut down!” I declared. “It was the first time I’ve seen such a thing. But now-a-days you can never be too careful. I’ve witnessed few people interrupt plays in the past. One time a hard of hearing person shouted I know who dunnit! During a production of Towards Zero by Agatha Christie.”

“Must have been hilarious!” exclaimed my client.

“Indeed,” I said.

Not knowing where this conversation was going, I awkwardly stated:

“Yes, but you should visit the Guthrie. There’s a sky deck with a glass ledge that allows you to see the city beneath your feet; similar to the one at Sear’s tower.”

“Wow, that must be scary! I’m afraid of heights.”

This made me think of a line from Love Happens staring Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart, where Aaron says something along the lines of: You get perspective from standing on top of a building; down below everything is loud and chaotic but from above everything is silent.



Trin Carl

I am an improviser.I write Theater 🎭 reviews in Minneapolis and ride-share confessions. Find my blog