One Billion lost to viagra
I talked to a very interesting ride-share client this morning and somehow we got on the topic of immigration after discussing an incident on a plane where a man who was trying to exit the plane (and would’ve killed everyone) but was knocked out by a flight attendant with a coffee pot.
I eventually told him about an incident where a Guy got into the air shaft of a plane ✈️ , and when that plane got to a certain elevation- he knocked out unconscious but than managed to wake up and leave the tarmac once the plane landed. 🛬 .
We got to talking about how people are so desperate to leave their country because of the poverty stricken conditions and my client said:
“The US gives enough money overseas that each person could attend college for free but the governments in those countries are so corrupt that they are pocketing the 💰 money.”
He continued with “there was a foreign president president Who was living in a brothel near a military base, and taking at least 50 women a night, and the US was after him because they had given him 1 billion dollars, but he had died of viagra malfunctions and the US couldn’t get The money back because it was tied up in Swiss bank accounts.”