Saudi prince

Trin Carl
1 min readMay 2, 2024

I told my ride-share client that I have an Arab “friend” and he was like “oh, I hope he is a Saudi prince or has a lot of money 💰, Otherwise, he’s just gonna be sitting in a hookah bar, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee and that’s when I was like. “Yeah he has a lot of money and I’m thinking 🤔 no, in fact he doesn’t have any money and he does exactly what you’re saying , because this is what women do, they think one step ahead like I know what your response is if I tell you he doesn’t have money.

Women,who are fixers, are always like . ‘Oh, I can handle this, I can handle that, I can handle this”..

And I am sure men are not thinking to themselves the same when they’re friend asks if they’re dating a dumb blonde.

But the truth is -no matter what gender you are “If you stay with anyone who is wrong, you are no different then the person who has hurt you.”



Trin Carl

I am an improviser.I write Theater 🎭 reviews in Minneapolis and ride-share confessions. Find my blog